Project details:
Client: Storage Giant
Team: Total Regen
Type: JCT Design & Build Contract
Location: Carmarthen
Project value: £4,650,000
Procurement: Competitive Tender
Project Overview
Scheme Overview: Storage Giant is a self-storage provider with units in Cwmbran, Cardiff, Newport and Swansea.
Brief description of the scheme: The project consists of the construction of a new Starbucks Drive-Thru restaurant for The Giant Storage Group.
Additional information: The proposed location of the scheme constructed within the demise/boundary of an existing building on Newport Road, Cardiff, used as a large storage facility and accessed by the general public throughout the working day. Every effort was made to segregate the construction site and access to the adjacent unit.
The development was carried out in one phase consisting of a one storey steel frame building with a small seated restaurant and external car parking. Various external finishes were applied to the building including face brick plinth through colour render. The roof finishes are single ply membrane to the flat roof area with aluminium fascias and soffits. The scheme was completed as a shell with M&E services connected to an end point.
Externally, car parking to the building was completed with hard and soft landscaped areas throughout.
South tyneside Hospital
The new energy centre includes both a new boiler house, and a combined heat and power unit (CHP Unit). The unit will make more efficient and effective use of valuable energy resources
Specialist hospital Kent
This project comprised of a 65-bed independent hospital, with associated car parking areas and landscaping. The hospital is split across 4 wards, with each ward offering specialist health services.
Star bucks drive through
The project consists of the construction of a new Starbucks Drive-Thru restaurant for The Giant Storage Group. The proposed location of the scheme constructed within the demise/boundary
Turner court
Two separate retail spaces were also provided to the ground floor which is currently let to Tesco and Subway. Total Group provided a full turn-key service, which included all furniture, fixtures and